Lemon and salt (Limón y sal) - Julieta Venegas (México)

I must confess that sometimes,
I don't like the way you are,
then, you disappear
and I don't understand why.
You never say anything romantic.
When the afternoon arrives,
your mood gets weird,
with every monthly full moon.

But all those things
are beat by the good things you give me,
just having you close to me
and I feel that I can start everything again.

I love you with lemon and salt,
I love you just the way you are,
there's nothing to change you.
I love you if you come or go,
if you go up or down and if you are not
sure about what you feel.

I must confess you, now,
that I never believed in happiness,
sometimes things look like it,
but it's just pure coincidence.
Then my eyes meet your eyes
and they give me something else,
just having you close to me
and I feel that I can start everything again.

I love you with lemon and salt,
I love you just the way you are,
there's nothing to change you.
I love you if you come or go,
if you go up or down and if you are not
sure about what you feel.

I love you with lemon and salt,
I love you just the way you are,
there's nothing to change you.
I love you if you come or go,
if you go up or down and if you are not
sure about what you feel.

Just having you close to me
and I feel that I can start everything again

My history between your fingers (Mi Historia Entre Tus Dedos) - Gianluca Grignani (Italy)


Italian version

I think that...
the nights I gave you, were not a waste.
You leave now, so what?
I'm not trying to discuss with you about it,
You know and I know it.

At least, stay for tonight.
I promise. I won't touch you, you're safe.
maybe is just that I'm feeling alone,
because I recognize that smile... so definitive,
the smile that opened to me your paradise.

People say that...
for each man there's one like you,
but my place, soon,
you'll fill it with someone else,
like me or better... I doubt it.

Why do you look down this time?
You ask me to keep being friends.
Friends for what? damn it.
I can forgive a friend,
but you... I love you.
Maybe my natural instincts seem stupid, but...

There's something I didn't tell you yet,
and is... you know...
that my problems are named "You".
Just for that reason,
you see me acting like if I was strong,
to feel myself a little more secure.

And if you don't even wanna tell me which was my fault,
remember that... I did forgive you already, too,
but you, instead, answers me:
"I'm sorry... I don't love you".
and you leave me with this history between your fingers.

What are you gonna do?
look for an excuse and then... just leave.
Because you don't have to care about me,
just don't provoke me...

I'll write you a couple of songs,
trying to hide my emotions...
thinking, but little, about the words.
I'm gonna tell you about that smile, so definitive,
your smile that opened to me your paradise.

There's something I didn't tell you yet,
and is... you know...
that my problems are named "You".
Just for that reason,
you see me acting like if I was strong,
to feel myself a little more secure.

And if you don't even wanna tell me which was my fault,
remember that... I did forgive you already, too,
but you, instead, answers me:
"I'm sorry... I don't love you".
and you leave me with this history between your fingers.

Na, na, na, na.....